For Police Force Candidates/Applicants
How to get a TOP SCORE on Your Police Test and Get Started in Your Law Enforcement Career, NOW!
“I was able to score 89% on a very difficult Police Entrance exam. As a result I was the second one hired from almost 500 candidates. I wanted you to know I owe much of it to your E-Book! Thank you very much” AL
“I took the police test and competed against 654 other applicants for five openings. I’m happy to tell you that I am one of the five who start the Academy next week. Thank you for putting this ebook together. Without it, I surely would not have beat the seemingly overwhelming competition and passed on my first attempt.” CT
We can help you get the Test Scores You Need to get the Law Enforcement Job you want…
Why do so many people FAIL the Police Test?
The BIGGEST MISTAKE police candidates make and the #1 reason they DON’T become police officers is they DON’T prepare for the test. They think just because it’s an aptitude test they don’t have to prepare. They’re wrong for 2 reasons. #1 You can prepare for an aptitude test and two, the police exam is more than just an aptitude test. We will reveal to you on this web page why it’s more and why knowing the difference can dramatically improve your test scores and get your name on the Top of the eligibility list.
“I scored a 92, on the Police Written Exam! I just want to say thank you, for your help.” JS
“The results were posted last Wednesday and I’m number one on the list. I’m so thankful I did the research and found your web-site. Again, thank you.” GM
Dear Police Candidate/Applicant,
If you’d like to get a TOP score on your police written exam, improve your oral interview performance and give yourself the best chance to get hired, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Here’s why:
We have developed the Ultimate program in preparing YOU for ANY law enforcement exam, including local police, corrections, state police, or county law enforcement. This is a complete and comprehensive HOME STUDY COURSE that will prepare you for all segments of the Police Entrance Exam Process.
In a few short hours you can learn how to Get the Test Scores YOU need to get hired.
Our Program has been used by police candidates to get top scores and top jobs in law enforcement across the country. And isn’t getting a law enforcement job what you’re after?
Four Reasons To Believe What We Say
Now, I know you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy. Let me give you four good reasons we can back up what we claim:
Reason one: We will show you actual feedback from police candidates who used the program and received high test scores. As a matter of fact, high enough scores to beat tremendous competition and become law enforcement officers.
“While working as a tour guide I met a Police Sgt. who encouraged me to apply as a Police officer. I did not know the first thing about being a cop nor did I have any close friends or relatives who were. I came across your ebook while surfing the net and hesitantly made the purchase. I studied the material cover to cover.
I took the police test and competed against 654 other applicants for five openings. The Majority of the applicants I met either had a degree in criminology or were ex-military and/or had taken the exam several times before. In short, I am happy to tell you that I am one of the five who start the Academy next week.
I’d like to take the time to say “Thank you” for putting this ebook together. Without it, I surely would not have beat out the seemingly overwhelming competition and passed on my first attempt. Thanks again.” CT
UPDATE: “Just finished my sixth week in the Academy but more importantly I had my first ride along on mid-shift. It was better than any episode of COPS I’ve ever seen. In one night I helped catch 3 suspects in a robbery at McDonalds, interview the witnesses, take prints and log evidence. We also arrested a girl who assaulted her parents and attempted suicide.
On my second ride along I spotted a fight downtown. We busted it up and it turned out they were known crack dealers who had warrants out for their arrest. Along with the three shoplifters and other criminal warrants we put away that night we had made a total of five arrests! It was great. I still can’t believe they are paying me to do this.” CT
We helped this police candidate get the TEST SCORES he needed to beat tremendous odds (only 5 recruits hired out of 654 applicants). A few months later he’s arresting and booking felons. Like this recruit YOU too can experience the thrill of your first ride along with the help of our police exam program.
Reason two: Our company has been in business since 1996. We have been producing training software for law enforcement agencies and police supervisors throughout the world. This is not a fly by night company that’s here today and gone tomorrow. We intend to be in business for a long time and continue to provide support to our valuable customers. We know what it takes to get a Law Enforcement job.
Reason three: The author has 27 years experience as a law enforcement professional. He’s been a street supervisor and a shift commander in a major metropolitan area. Every concept is based on actual on the job experience. He is also the author of the Law Enforcement Evaluation Manual and created a software program for writing police evaluations. Both are currently being used by 100s of police departments throughout the world. He knows exactly what law enforcement agencies are looking for.
Reason four:
We are a current member of the Better Business Bureau with an A+ Rating. BBB’s highest grade of reliability.
Trust is such an important factor when deciding what program to use when preparing for your career. With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for reliability, you can Trust us to deliver on our 100%, ironclad guarantee to significantly improve your test scores or your money back… Click here for our BBB Rating.
Now, you’re probably wondering how and why we can give you the best test scores possible and give you the best chance to get hired.
Let me explain,
Introducing the Police Exam Digital Manual:
The Police Exam Ebook is a computer based software program (ebook) with detailed strategies that give law enforcement candidates the test taking skills needed to become police officers. A complete and comprehensive HOME STUDY COURSE to prepare you for all segments of the Police Entrance Exam Process.
Created with YOUR SUCCESS in mind;
The Police Exam Ebook is the result of extensive research into the strategies and secrets of the experts in the field of organizational/Personal screening in relations to the Police exam process. The ebook also includes insight from a veteran Police Supervisor who will help you tackle the difficult police judgment questions you’ll be confronted with in the test process.
Your 2-Ebook set includes:
- The Police Written Exam Digital Manual
- The Police Oral Exam Digital Manual
You’ll learn the Strategies and Tactics for getting the Highest Possible Scores! Everything you need to know, Including:
* Complete Practice Exams
* Over 1100 Police Exam Questions with Answer Keys
* Proven Tips for Boosting Scores
* How to pass the Physical Exam
* Oral Interview Performance Strategies
* Psych Test Strategies
* Memory Aids to Help You Master the Recall Test
* Detailed Strategies for Police Judgment Questions
* Learn Strategies For Reading Comprehension Tests
* Tackle Verbal Analogy Questions
* Learn Math/Number Question Strategies
* Learn Strategies For the Police Essay Exam
* How to handle the Killer Questions about Your Background
* Detailed Strategies for CLOZE Test Questions
* Detailed strategies and practice questions for the Police Officer Selection Test (POST)
* Learn how to beat the B-PAD including example scenarios and response strategies
* Detailed Police Candidate’s Polygraph Strategies
* Detailed strategies and practice questions for the PATI
Read more and find out why this program is different from other police test publications.
Find out why over 7000 police candidates have used this program to get better test scores.
Securing a job in Law Enforcement depends directly on how well you do on your entrance exam. You must have a high score to even be considered. And the better your test results are, the higher up you’ll find yourself on the eligibility list.
“Having read through the ebooks prior to the various stages in the hiring process gave me the added confidence to make it through the hiring process and become one of the 9 recruits that were offered the job I was seeking (out of the thousands of people that had sent in applications).” MC
“I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for an outstanding study guide. I took the written test for the Orlando Police Department yesterday and I PASSED! The exam is very competitive and less than 25% pass. The exam consisted of 54 video scenario questions. It was like the questions came directly from the study guides. THANK YOU!” MF
With Police Exam Ebook, you’ll learn strategies and tactics for getting the highest scores possible! Not JUST passing scores but MONSTER scores that will help you beat the competition and Join 50…
Order Online Now
How IMPORTANT is the Police Applicant Test?
If you’re serious about a career in Law Enforcement it’s the MOST IMPORTANT TEST you’ll ever take.
The Police Officer Entrance Exam is very difficult. A lot of people who take it don’t pass. Passing the written test is not a guarantee of a job, but if you don’t pass the test you won’t even be considered, and the higher your score is, the better chance you have of getting the job.
The statistics are harsh: for example; out of 120 people taking the police officer entrance exam, only 42 will pass. Of those 42, only 12 will be hired. Will you be one of the 12? Your test score is easily the most important element of your Police Force application.
The Police Exam E-book will give you the KNOWLEDGE necessary to pass the test. But even with all the proper knowledge, test taking can be incredibly difficult. Even those who study hard may still do poorly.
“He always wanted to be the a cop.”
“Why isn’t he a cop?”
“He’s a bright person and works hard, he just doesn’t test well.”
Sorry, but testing is the name of the game. It’s about performance under pressure.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work to prepare for the job, if you don’t perform in the test room, you’re out of luck.
Reality – The most qualified person doesn’t always get hired… Candidates with less college or job experience are being hired over more qualified applicants based on their better test results. Unfortunately, the most qualified person doesn’t always get hired or promoted. The candidates who have the best test scores, usually do.
Research shows that the most successful test takers have a game plan. Besides studying, there are certain pre-test strategies that highly successful test takers use to prepare the challenge of testing.
By learning and mastering the test-taking secrets developed by educators and law enforcement professionals, you can get HIGHER TEST SCORES — your ticket to a top position on the police eligibility list.
“I read every page of your ebook. I continue to read it. I wanted to give you an update of my test results: On the G.A.T.B. I scored 170 and you needed 299 to pass. Thank you so very much!” RR
We can help YOU. Our amazing e-book will not only give you specific knowledge necessary for the police entrance exam, but will teach you UNIVERSAL TEST-TAKING TECHNIQUES to ensure your success.
Imagine being a police officer driving down the street. You see an armed robbery in progress. When most people are looking for cover, you and your partner are expected to confront the suspects and take them into custody. Because of your special training you’re able to accomplish this task and at the same time prevent innocent people from getting hurt.
This type of situation happens every day and Law Enforcement Officers continue to react courageously and decisively in protecting the citizens of their community. Carrying out their mission to “PROTECT AND SERVE!”
No other occupation offers the rewards and excitement of law enforcement, it’s one of the hottest careers around. In addition to a great salary, benefits and job security, you’ll have the satisfaction of protecting people, arresting criminals, and wearing the badge of honor.
Are you ready to become one of the select individuals accepted into the exciting and rewarding career of Law Enforcement?
There are over a 150,000 law enforcement agencies throughout the US and Canada looking for qualified candidates. You can become one of them if you can do well on the entrance exam.
The dynamic, thrilling world of law enforcement is the dream of millions of men and women. That’s why the competition to get hired is so tough.
“I just wanted to let you know that I passed my very first written test, passed the oral board exam, and was among the top four who were given a letter of employment for the New Milford CT PD. Thanks for everything.” FM
POLICE EXAM E-BOOK Gives You The Edge You Need To Pass the Test and get the Grade You Need to Make the Cut. Making the cut is so important.
What The Police Written Exam Is Like
Most law enforcement written exams test the following basic skills and aptitudes:
How well you understand what you read, your ability to follow directions, your judgment and reasoning skills (problem-solving), your memory and basic math skills.
Part One: The Police Written Exam Digital Manual
Learn To Think Like A Cop!
Why do friends of police officers and police family members do so well on the police exam? Because they know how cops think. We’ll be your source inside the force, a veteran partner who can fill you in on what you need to know.
Our new 32-chapter e-book for police force candidates, contains insider strategies, tips and secrets for achieving top scores on the police applicant written test. And you’ll get NINE PRACTICE EXAMS (with answers) that you can use to test yourself.
If you made it through high school, you should be comfortable with the basic math and vocabulary test requirements. But to get a high score on the Police Exam, you MUST know how to handle Police Judgment Questions. Tackling police situation questions can be very difficult unless you spent time in a squad car responding to assignments. But with The Police Exam Ebook you’ll Answer Police Judgment Questions like an experienced POLICE OFFICER.
Although it’s federally mandated that police agencies cannot require you to know their police procedures when taking their entrance exams, many police test makers conclude that questions of police procedure are really just common sense, and therefore include them in the test. However, what most people consider to be common sense is not always the best answer in police situations.
But to excel on police judgment questions you need MORE than just common sense. The reason that friends and relatives of police officers do well on entrance exams is because they’re familiar with police language and police thinking. The author of our manual has 27 years of police experience, and his expertise will help you get through those tough questions of judgment.
“I’m always in touch with people at the Police Academy, it really has been a help to them. Thanks again.” AP
The Police Exam Ebook, contains police judgment/situation strategies that are so detailed, that police recruits are using it to get better test scores, in the police academy.
- Key Insider Information you need to get Top scores on the Exam
- Complete Practice Written Tests with HUNDREDS of Practice Questions and Answers – Includes Reading – Writing – Math – Judgment – Memory – Observation – Map Reading – and other test categories.
- 100s of Police Situation & Judgment questions – analyzed. You Can Take the guess work out of the Police Written & Oral Exam You’ll know exactly what to expect and approach the exam with confidence.
- Strategies for crime scene & mug shot questions
- Oral exam response tips
- Proven tips for boosting your test scores
- Memory aids to help with the recall questions (you will learn an unbelievable formula that can triple your recall of numbers and facts)
- Easy To read E-book format
- Quick Download (in minutes) so you can get started right away.
- Print Option included. So you can print any page of the E-book for reviewing at your leisure.
- Detailed strategies for the CLOZE Test with Practice Questions.
- Detailed strategies for mastering the Police Officer Selection Test (POST)
- Separate sections cover the Written Test and also passing the Physical Ability – Oral Interview.
- Learn How To Master Multiple Choice Tests.
- Learn What Poor Test Taker’s #1 Mistake Is And How To Avoid It.
- Learn The #1 Reason Good Test Takers Get Higher Scores. The Secret of How They Achieve Scores Higher Than Their Knowledge Of The Test Material.
- Learn Strategies For Reading Comprehension Tests. Knowing how to handle Reading Comprehension questions is vital to success on the written exam.
- How To Handle The Difficult PATI Reasoning Questions.
- Tackle Verbal Analogy Questions.
- Learn Math/Number Question Strategies.
- You’ll Learn Exactly What The Test-Makers Are Asking. If You Don’t Understand What The Test Maker Is Asking You’ll Choose The Wrong Answers.
- How to beat the B-PAD-including what to expect and suggested responses.
Review Detailed Analyses For Handling Difficult Police Judgment Questions.
You’ll get a detailed, professional analysis of numerous police situations and problems. You’ll be given an INSIDER’S view of what the correct responses and reactions should be to difficult challenges.
You’ll get the benefit of the author’s 27 years of experience; much of that time spent in police supervision. He’s helped police departments, police supervisors, and training officers across the country with their employee evaluation programs. He’s also helped one of the worlds largest technical schools, Technikon, SA, develop a course of study in the police leadership/management field. He’s been the incident commander at numerous major crime scenes.
His insights will help guide you in correctly answering those difficult police judgment questions.
Just One Of The Test Tips Could Make The Difference In Determining Whether Your Score Is High Enough To Get Hired!
Does this program include your police department?
Naturally, we can’t predict what every police agency will include on their test. There are thousands of police departments in the US and Canada. But police judgment questions are basically universal. A police officer in Chicago, IL will generally handle a domestic dispute the same way a police officer in Austin, TX would. Most departments use the same criteria for testing aptitude. Also, police judgment questions are based on Federal mandates pertaining to situations involving arrests, constitutional rights and search and seizures. We cover those situations in detail.
Our techniques are proven and tried and true. To test his theories, one of the educators who developed our test-taking system took a college-level exam in a subject he knew nothing about. He chose his answers by looking for clues within the questions. The results were amazing. He scored a 72%, where many students taking the same test failed even though they had the advantage of a full semester of course study.
Just think of the high score You’ll get when you know these TEST-TAKING SECRETS.
Learn the concepts and principles in this e-book, and we guarantee you’ll MASTER THE ART OF TEST-TAKING and IMPROVE your test scores EXPONENTIALLY. You’ll gain a huge EDGE over the competition.
A Competitive Edge
By learning these special TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES you’ll not only reach your full test taking potential, you’ll EXCEED it. Giving YOU an edge over the competition and the best chance to get HIRED.
Some agencies will give you study material in advance, and you may be expected to answer questions regarding police procedures. But this is not to test you on the actual procedures, it’s a test of your reading comprehension and memory. This is why you need to know how to handle both the aptitude and knowledge tests. But you will be tested on your judgment and common sense as they relate to police situations. Therefore, your knowledge of police rules and procedures will be a huge advantage.
A major portion of the Police Written Exam E-book is dedicated to showing you how to handle common everyday police situations. This will help you tremendously in both the written and oral exams.
Okay, you’ve got what you need for the written portion of the test, now let The Police Exam E-book help you Get The Highest Possible Scores On The Police Oral Exam
Part Two: The Police Oral Exam Digital Manual
Learn exactly what the Police Oral Review Board is looking for and how to give them what they want.
- Police Oral Board Performance Strategies
- What Exactly the Oral Board is Looking For
- Suggested Responses To Police Oral Board Questions
- How to Handle Police Judgment Questions
- Psych Test Performance Strategies
- Two Qualities Police Agencies Can’t Resist
- Handling the Killer Questions About Your Background
- How to Create a Positive Image during the Interview
- Strategies For the Role-playing Exercise:
- Strategies for the Group Discussion Exercise
- B-PAD Strategies and suggested responses
- How to Pass Your Pre Employment Polygraph
We’ll describe universal oral interview strategies that could give you a major edge. We’ll also give you some hot tips and strategies, you WON’T FIND anyplace else. (We describe in detail strategies for handling the Police Situation Questions.) As a matter of fact you’ll find detailed strategies taught at Police Test Seminars that police candidates and police officers pay as much as $900 to attend.
“I used the information from your oral board and polygraph e-books. Both allowed me to prepare for the tests by knowing what to expect. I wrote an informal “script” to follow for the oral board, based on your texts, which allowed me to fire off answers, in my own words, quickly and succinctly. Again, purchasing your e-books was the best money I’d ever spent. Thanks for everything.” FM
“Thanks for the helpful material. I read most of it last night and I passed my oral board interview today at the Austin Police Department.” MM
NOTE: The Police Written Exam Digital Manual and the Police Oral Exam Digital Manual can be ordered separately. See order page for details.
No other police exam program can match our customer’s exam success.
The reason why over 7000 police candidates have used this program is; it Gets Results!
Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what our customers say.
“I finished number one out of 300 candidates. I start the academy in Meriden on 12/15. It happened, I owe a great deal of my success to your manuals. Including the polygraph ebook. Knowing the truth about how it works makes all the difference in the world!” Sincerely FM
“I was just accepted to the Corpus Christi Police Academy. I want to thank you for the advice outlined in your program; I found the material very useful during the written and oral portions of the hiring process. I placed 3rd out of the 15 applicants that were hired. I was told that approximately 1000 applicants tested.” DJ
“I read 10 chapters this weekend, and wish I learned these tips years ago. Good stuff.” -JS
“I downloaded your ebook Monday, read it Monday night and took the oral board today (Tuesday). I am happy I read your book and really believe it gave me an edge, especially when the Board asked questions I studied the night before. There is only one opening and 17 candidates. I know this ebook got me into the top 10, at least. Thank you.” MJ
I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for an outstanding study guide. I took the written test for the Orlando Police Department yesterday and I PASSED!!!! The exam is very competitive and less than 25% pass. The exam consisted of 54 video scenario questions. It was like the questions came directly from the study guides. THANK YOU! MF
“I will make sure everyone I know in law enforcement finds out about your e-book. Your police exam e-book is truly the best and I’ve seen many. I know for sure several guys I sent to your web site, bought the E-books and they all think it’s great. Thanks from all of us because it gets harder and harder each day to get in and we need all the help we can get. P.S. I’m always in touch with people at the Police Academy, it really has been a help to them. Thanks again.” AP
“The information you provided enabled me to be more on my toes for whatever came my way. Throughout my career I will check back with your site for other materials that will help me continue and enhance the career you have helped me attain. I would not hesitate one bit to refer someone interested in a career in law enforcement to your site!” MC “I wanted to tell you that I bought your ebook as well as several others to prepare for my testing with the Washington State Patrol. Your ebook was far and away the most helpful. I read your ebook over and over as if it was the bible and at the age of 21, without any family history in law enforcement, or previous testing experience — passed the written, oral, and polygraph my first time around. I thought it was a miracle considering that the agency is known for their “only the best of the best” mentality. I did all my testing over 4 days since I was an out of state applicant so it was very nerve racking — I NEVER could have done it without your ebook! Thanks so much for everything!” JF
“I have downloaded the material that you E-Mailed me. In reviewing the Manual I can tell this is going to help me quite a bit in preparing for my upcoming test. This is very informative and well worth the price. The Information and Sample Tests are Very Satisfactory and Very Helpful”. JS
“Thanks for the helpful material. I read most of it last night and I passed my oral board interview today at the Austin Police Department.” MM
“I used the information you had supplied and was successful in being accepted for a position with the Lake Havasu City, AZ Police Dept. Thank you.” TG “Just wanted to let you know I had my interview with Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics today and it went extremely well. Your interview study guide was a tremendous help. There were a lot of the questions you talked about in your ebook that were asked in the interview. I was prepared and I did not hesitate to answer the questions on point. In fact the Regional Chief who was the primary interviewer said he loved the way I answered the questions. He said I was a well qualified candidate. Again thanks so much for the study guide it was a tremendous help for me.” JB
“I scored a 92, on the Phoenix Police Written Exam!! I just want to say thank you, for your help.” JS
“I just wanted to let you know that after spending a lot of time going over your e-book and taking the sample tests, I passed my very first written test, passed the oral board exam, and was among the top four who were given a conditional letter of employment for the New Milford CT PD. I’ve completed my polygraph and have the psych test this coming Tuesday. I also used the information from your oral board and polygraph e-books. Both allowed me to prepare for the tests by knowing what to expect. I wrote an informal “script” to follow for the oral board, based on your texts, which allowed me to fire off answers, in my own words, quickly and succinctly. The polygraph test I took was nearly verbatim to what you’d written in the text. Just having the understanding that the tester was mostly trying to elicit some admission was quite an advantage. Again, purchasing your e-books was the best money I’d ever spent. Thanks for everything.” FM
Testimonial of someone who is on his way to a law enforcement career
“I am extremely interested in anything you publish in the future. Because of your E book, I have already improved my test taking skills and scores. My scores are going up higher with each test I take. I have already learned a lot about police policies and procedures. I wanted to also thank you very much for your first version.
I have completed the testing with a sheriff’s department and have been given an offer of employment! They only took the top 50 from about 500 applicants. I’m extremely excited! I read your ebook verbatim and took all of the practice tests twice.” A L
“For the past fourteen years I have been a successful stuntman and Stunt Coordinator for film and television. I recently moved to Anchorage, Alaska. Although I love living in the Last Frontier I quickly realized there was little work available for someone with my skills.
While working as a tour guide I met a Police Sgt. who encouraged me to apply as a Police officer. I did not know the first thing about being a cop nor did I have any close friends or relatives who were. I came across your e-book while surfing the net and hesitantly plunked down the forty bucks. I studied the material cover to cover.
I took the police test and competed against 654 other applicants for five openings with APD. The Majority of the applicants I met either had a degree in criminology or were ex-military and/or had taken the exam several times before. In short, I am happy to tell you that I am one of the five who start the Academy next week.
I’d like to take the time to say “Thank you” for putting this ebook together. Without it, I surely would not have beat out the seemingly overwhelming competition and passed on my first attempt.
As I do not know you or anyone responsible for creating/marketing this e-book please feel free to use my letter as a recommendation. Anyone reading this, know that it worked for me and it can work for you.
Thanks again,” CT
Warning: Do NOT buy a Police Exam program/publication unless it meets the following 6 criteria
There is a lot of confusion surrounding law enforcement test programs/publications. I want to give you 5 criteria you absolutely, positively must have in any to get the test scores you need:
1. A police insider’s analyses of what the correct responses should be to police situation questions. With some test publications, all you get is a few generic strategies and tips regarding police related questions from someone with little or no actual police experience. Don’t rely on second hand information. The Police Exam Kit gives you the insider strategies you NEED to tackle difficult police judgment problems.
2. At least 5 practice exams. Some programs will charge extra for practice exams. Most other online/ebook police test publication, only include a few sample questions because actual practice tests are difficult to find or create. Bottom line is, taking practice tests is of vital importance to your success in the police exam. That’s why they must be included. The Police Exam Ebook includes 9 ACTUAL PRACTICE EXAMS.
The Police Exam Digital Manual includes, question and answer choices taken from actual police exams. They will help you prepare for the real thing.
3. Step-by-step instructions on how to master all parts of the police exam process. You’ll need to learn how to analyze problems and think logically. You will be tested on these 2 important skills because police agencies consider them essential. Other police exam publications fail to give police candidates detailed strategies for these two important areas.
4. A thorough understanding of what traits police departments look for in their police candidates. In order to present the right image to the board members you must know what they’re looking for.
The Police Exam Ebook includes an entire chapter that describes important police performance traits. It contains actual police appraisals written by police supervisors, describing what things police organizations look for in their police officers. By incorporating these traits into your Oral Interview responses and showing the interviewers you posses them you’ll improve you’re scores considerably. You may not find this important inside information anywhere else.
5. Complete ownership of the program. The Police Exam ebook is a software program downloaded to your PC. You don’t just get a password and need to rely on our site to study. This means your important study sessions will NOT be interrupted by internet disconnects. Also, you don’t have to worry about whether or NOT our site is up and running.
6. A record of proven success. This includes customer testimonials of proven success. Look for testimonials from customers indicating that as a result of using the program they achieved high enough test scores to get hired. This is a true indicator your getting the real deal.
Here’s an example:
“I have completed the testing with a sheriff’s department and have been given an offer of employment! They only took the top 50 from about 500 applicants. I’m extremely excited! Prior to taking the test I read your ebook verbatim and took all of the practice tests twice.” A L
This indicates the program actually gets results.
What Makes This Program So Different From the Others?
The Police Exam Digital Manual costs more than other police test publications, but it GIVES YOU MORE including insider strategies you WON’T FIND anywhere else. (With some test publications, all you get is a few generic test strategies and tips.)
The Police Exam Ebook is a complete home study program with step-by-step instructions on how to master all parts of the police exam process. Isn’t a few extra dollars worth improving your chances of getting a job in law enforcement.
The Police Exam Ebook shows you in detail how to apply logic and common sense when answering aptitude and police situation questions.
You can count on the unique testing strategies featured in The Police Exam E-book. They’ve already been used by police candidates to get top scores and top jobs in law enforcement across the country. And isn’t getting a law enforcement job what you’re after?
What makes The Police Exam E-book Stand Out Over The Competition?
IMPORTANT BENEFIT- That Others Don’t Include!
Most other online/ebook police test publication only include a few sample questions because actual practice tests are difficult to find or create. Bottom line is, taking practice tests is of vital importance to your success in the police exam. That is why they must be included. The Police Exam Ebook includes 9 ACTUAL PRACTICE EXAMS.
The Learning Power Of Electronic-Books: Learn Faster and Remember More
Now you can take advantage of The Wave of the Future – E-Learning. According to Dr. Ronald Marks, marketing professor at the University of Missouri, studies show that people can learn up to 200% faster, pay 26% more attention, and retain 38% more of what they’ve learned because multimedia presentations (including electronic books), engage all the senses.
What about the video programs? They’re nice but you’re tied to your computer. With our program you can print any section you want and study it anywhere- the coffee shop, library, throne etc… This is a Big advantage. You’re not always going to have access to a computer.
The BENEFITS of E-Learning
The Police Exam E-book’s electronic format offers you control of content delivery, increased speed, less distractions, better focus and concentration. And, best of all, E-Books are easy to use!
The practice tests can be taken directly on your computer. You just click in your answers and at the end of the test you can automatically check your results. This cuts down on your study time dramatically.
Navigation through the eBook is a snap because it looks like you are using a scaled down version of a web browser. As a result, it’s a breeze to use for anyone who has ever used the Internet because you are essentially surfing through your publication! Features such as “Back”, “Forward” “Print”, and “Search” are available to make viewing the eBook extremely straightforward.
The Police Exam eBook is so user-friendly that it makes learning easier than you could imagine.
You get at least 10 times your money’s worth!
POLICE EXAM E-BOOK gives you the detailed strategies taught at Police Test Seminars that police candidates and police officers pay as much as $900 to attend.
Our Amazing E-Book Retails For Only $59.00.
The Police Exam 2 e-book set costs more than most over the counter police exam publications but it includes insider strategies you WON’T FIND anywhere else. When you take all the benefits into consideration including; a chance to become a police officer, your return on the investment will be excellent.
The program costs less than most college text books, and is easier to use. And with POLICE EXAM E-book, there’s no waiting for the mail. You can access this fantastic online manual as soon as your order is approved. Read it right off of your monitor or print selected pages so you can study on the couch, in bed or wherever you like.
In summary, here’s what you get:
Your 2-Ebook set includes:
The Police Written Exam Digital Manual
The Police Oral Exam Digital Manual
With Strategies and Tactics for getting the Highest Possible Scores! Everything you need to know is included:
Our comprehensive police exam prep program normally sells for $59, a small price to pay for a tool filled with the insider tips and knowledge that will change your test scores from mediocre to magnificent.
But we want to make our offer even more inviting, so today you can order both volumes of the Police Exam E-book for only
$59 $49
No hidden costs, no shipping, no handling
“The money I spent on your e-books is the best money I have ever spent.” MC
Order This Highly Effective, Police Officer Exam Guide Now, And Give Yourself A Major Edge In Getting Started In A Law Enforcement Career!

“The polygraph test I took was nearly verbatim to what you’d written in the ebook. Just having the understanding that the tester was mostly trying to elicit some admission was quite an advantage. Again, purchasing your ebooks was the best money I’d ever spent. Thanks for everything.” FM
Note: This is not a report. It’s a 24 page ebook with detailed information about what to expect and how to respond.
You’ll Learn:
- What questions you will be asked.
- The dirty little secret behind the polygraph test.
- Why people can FLUNK even when they tell the truth.
- What will automatically disqualify you from consideration.
- What are some of the TRICK Questions.
- How to give yourself the best chance to Pass.

The Law Enforcement Exam Math Strategy Ebook will help you regain the skills you need to master the math questions on your exam and improve your score.
Included are Strategies and Practice questions for the following subjects:
- Basic Math Strategies and Definitions
- Word Problems and Averages
- Fractions, Decimals and Percents
- Geometry
- Algebra
- Distance, Rate and Time
Don’t let the Math Questions prevent you from passing your test. Order now and get this Important BONUS that will improve your test scores.
It’s called the Law Enforcement Candidate Quiz Game (Entrance Exam Level). That pretty much describes it. It’s a computer based quiz game that includes police judgment questions based on arrest search and seizure, stop and frisk, probable cause, vehicle pursuits etc.
Each quiz contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each time you take the quiz a different set of 20 questions will appear. There is over 170 questions in the question bank. Your scores will display when you complete the quiz. You then will be able to review your answers with detailed answer explanations. That’s where the learning comes into play. After playing several times you will start to learn the concepts. You play a game and improve your test scores.
You can play it on your PC, iPad or Android tablet. When you click the link it will download to your PC or tablet and automatically adapt to whatever device you’re using.
We are offering it to you as a free bonus if you order any of our police exam study guides.
If you order the written exam study guide which includes over 500 practice questions and include the 170 quiz game questions, that’s an amazing 850 practice questions that will help you master the Police or Sheriffs Entrance Exam.
“Been playing with this for a few weeks now! I love it!… I learned so much more than I thought I already knew!” KR
Just added to the bonus package:
Introducing Quiz Game 2- the Law Enforcement Candidate Aptitude Test-Quiz Game
Like Quiz Game 1 each quiz contains 20 multiple choice questions. There are over 300 aptitude questions in the question bank that include math, grammar, reading comprehension and logical reasoning questions.
We absolutely guarantee the Police Exam E-Book will help you Get TOP SCORES On The Police Exam. If you’re not completely satisfied with the Police Exam E-Book, simply let us know within 30 days and we will refund your money with no questions asked.
Have we convinced you? There’s no reason not to try POLICE EXAM E-BOOK. Our money-back guarantee and our track record for success means there’s no risk. Your reward? The career you’ve been dreaming about.
Stop dreaming and start studying! Police Exam Ebook makes it easy.
The people that Do the Best On the Test are the ones that “DON’T WAIT” for the TEST to be ANNOUNCED. They start preparing long before the test is made public.
Your Career in Law Enforcement is Just One GOOD TEST PERFORMANCE, Away! Are You doing Everything Possible to Prepare for what may be The MOST IMPORTANT TEST You Ever Take?
Let us help you succeed.
CFI Research Company.
$59 $49
P.S. Remember, if you order within the NEXT 10 DAYS, you’ll receive both ebooks for the SPECIAL PRICE of only $49.00. So act now!
Police Exam Kit (Includes both the written and oral exam digital manuals)
Here’s how to order right now!
Once your ordering information is processed, which is usually within a few minutes, you can simply download your Police Exam eBook from the Internet, receiving your purchase immediately without any extra costs to you. There is NO shipping or handling charges.
Act immediately and receive Your SPECIAL 17% DISCOUNT
$59 $49
With Credit Card or Check
You can’t lose with our 100%, ironclad, money back guarantee
Please email us if you have any questions at
Minimum System Requirements
The Digital Manual is Windows and MAC compatible
Android and iPad compatible
NOT Available in Hardcover Format

Features & Benefits
The manual will give you strategies and insider secrets that will give you TOP scores.
Click here to learn more…
$59 $49